Is it nature or nurture that’s causing these conflicts?

I read that parents in the U.S. have almost twice as many conflicts with their adult children as parents in other Western countries. What in the world could be at the bottom of a statistic like that? One author posits that it’s our culture: we encourage so much individualism in our children that we actually expect them to push back hard on the limits we set for them around “sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll.” In other Western countries children expect that they can continue to rely on their parents into adulthood. Our way puts a lot of added strain on the relationships, according to one author, strain that doesn’t exist in more supportive cultures. Conflict in the family becomes an accepted way off expressing individuality, where it used to be considered counter to the idea of a contract between family members to support each other at all costs. That sense of family obligation that tied family members together for life seems to have worn so thin as to barely hold up at all in some families.


Good Luck Emma Thompson


Let’s Define “Estrangement”